Me in your inbox

Couple things before I leave town, including an etymology, of course!

  1. The Professor installed a widget that allows you to request an email notification of new entries. Sign up to save time if you’re constantly clicking on WordsWordsWords in hopes of seeing another post! Look at the top right of any page and pop your address into the box. That’s all it takes! Your email address won’t be revealed, for free or for money, to anyone.
  2. I don’t usually like to recycle recent entries from other word posters, but I came across such an interesting etymology recently in A Word A Day that I just have to share it.

    pedigree: through Anglo-Norman, as early as 1327, French pied (foot) + grue (crane), so named because the lines on a genealogical chart resemble that bird’s foot.
    Doesn’t it sound funny to say, “He has a very impressive crane’s foot”?

Today’s the day my big trip to Ethiopia begins. I will be back in about 10 days. I’ll have Internet access while I’m gone, but it’s hard to tell how reliable it will be. More importantly, I don’t want to spend a lot of my vacation staring at a screen. I may post an interesting language tidbit or two, but no promises. See #1 above if you want to make sure you know when I’m back at the keyboard.

I’m told that one shouldn’t reveal online that she’s about to be away, in fear that ne’er-do-wells and miscreants might attempt to approach her dwelling with nefarious and felonious intent. Beware! The Professor will be home, and our home security system will be activated. Toodle-oo!

Home security system

About Verla

Wordfreak. Retired private investigator and Spanish court interpreter. Erstwhile librarian. Texan by birth, cheesehead by upbringing, latina by soul, in New Mexico by choice. Lover of things purple. Passionate participant in the Librivox audiobook recording project. We record books that are in the public domain in the U.S. The recordings are then placed in the public domain themselves.
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