Because I’m writing a lot of reports as an investigator, I’ve invested in the Dragon speech recognition software. I have had trouble with tendinitis ever since I was a young adult. As an interpreter, I did very little keyboarding. Now, I may spend multiple hours per day at the computer. The software works great, allows me to write quickly – maybe even more quickly than keyboarding – and my wrists, elbows, and arms are saved from a lot of pain. (And yes, I’m writing this post with Dragon.)
This morning, however, I learned of a major limitation that the software has. In writing an e-mail to a good friend of mine, I tried to use the F word. What came out was definitely not the F word, but the word “talk.” This made me curious, so I opened a document and started swearing. Some of the words came out right, principally those that can also be used in another neutral context (e.g., prick, snatch, etc). Below is a list of words that didn’t come out right. Can you guess which obscenities were transformed into these words through the magic of censored speech recognition?
I suppose this will force me to learn how to spell in Dragon and add words to the dictionary. Things could be worse.
I hope that Dragon doesn’t count among their customers writers of earthy novels or many investigators who try to write verbatim what is said to them by unsavory characters. And now to our list.
mother Fokker
asked Fokker
but Fokker
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