My wife (the Professor) tells me that I should be blogging. The world is being deprived of your wit, wisdom, compassion, and intensity, she says (my words, not hers). I remind her that the world is also being spared a great deal of snark and silliness. Still, she says. I guess that’s the awesomeness of being married to someone who thinks you’re wonderful. You start to believe it yourself. On good days, at least.
While etymology and linguistics will no doubt make appearances in my new posts (for what would life be without the occasional grammatical hijink?), I’m moving to a more general type of musing. My incessant harping about the Oxford comma had grown tiresome, even to me. But words can be about anything, and wordswordswords can triple be about anything! Also, my photography skills have improved a lot since I abandoned wordswordswords in fall 2011, so I suspect a pretty pitcher might crop up now and again too, maybe even after being cropped.
She also tells me I’m eccentric.
Welcome back, everybody.
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