Author Archives: Verla Viera

Leaning into your strengths…and weaknesses

I had a childhood friend who really enjoyed acting in her high school plays. She once told me that after being excited to be cast in her first play, she happened to see the teacher’s audition notes. By her name, … Continue reading

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Where does mayonnaise come from?

Answer: Menorca, some say Every day, I get the Palabra del Día (Word of the Day) email from, a website dedicated to the Spanish language. It not only reveals the etymology of the word, but also discusses something about … Continue reading

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Survival Instinct

We have a standard dachshund, Tucker, whose nickname (one of them anyway), is Security System. We live on the back side of a subdivision that’s built out in the desert. We see lots of wildlife around our house. Tucker is … Continue reading

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Toot, toot! Splash.

I’m currently reading Sea of Tranquility, by Emily St. John Mandel. I really enjoyed her book Station Eleven, which preceded Covid by over five years. The pandemic in Station Eleven, however, resulted in almost total devastation of civilization. Aren’t you … Continue reading

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I’ve missed me

I used to write a blog. I really enjoyed it, but then life got in the way. Even though the last post on it was eight and a half years ago, I never had the heart to take it down. … Continue reading

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