Category Archives: Uncategorized

Earworms and Beyond

I almost always have an earworm, that phenomenon where some song or other, often from the distant past, plays in your head over and over, sometimes for days. I woke up with a particularly interesting one today. It harkens back … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Dad

Today would have been my dad’s 94th birthday. I think of him every day. It’s hard to believe he’s been gone 4 ½ years already. I ended my last blog post with “Maybe the moment to show that you care … Continue reading

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Honey, Your Tea Is Ready

For years and years, we had a triple timer in the kitchen. Handy if you’re cooking and more than one thing has to be timed at once. One of those three timers, though, was always set to 4:30, the amount … Continue reading

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Leaning into your strengths…and weaknesses

I had a childhood friend who really enjoyed acting in her high school plays. She once told me that after being excited to be cast in her first play, she happened to see the teacher’s audition notes. By her name, … Continue reading

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Where does mayonnaise come from?

Answer: Menorca, some say Every day, I get the Palabra del Día (Word of the Day) email from, a website dedicated to the Spanish language. It not only reveals the etymology of the word, but also discusses something about … Continue reading

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