Corking read-up cheers!

My blogging software, Word Press, has a spam filter to prevent junk comments from being posted. I don’t know what algorithm it uses, but it works well. I’ve never had a spam comment go through, nor have I had a legitimate content caught in the spam filter.

I glance at the posts before deleting to make sure I don’t miss anything. They are a mixture of what you’d expect–pitches for Viagra knock-offs and penis enlargement products, together with porn and bogus university degrees. Ho hum. They mostly bore me.

Every once in a while, though, something so delightful comes through that I almost want to go ahead and post it. Maybe I will, even. Today’s spam comment of the day:

“Again corking read-up cheers loads for sharing, keep me posted I will be reading much of your posts in the future day!”

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