Proud to Be a Badger

In honor of Barbara Crabb, I present my favorite University of Wisconsin site, found at the entrance to Bascom Hall.

“Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere, we believe that the great State University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
–Board of Regents, 1894

On, Wisconsin!

Verla Viera, MA ’89, MLS ’89

About Verla

Wordfreak. Retired private investigator and Spanish court interpreter. Erstwhile librarian. Texan by birth, cheesehead by upbringing, latina by soul, in New Mexico by choice. Lover of things purple. Passionate participant in the Librivox audiobook recording project. We record books that are in the public domain in the U.S. The recordings are then placed in the public domain themselves.
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